School and Community Programs

Creative writing motivates students because it is personal, relevant and imaginative. We at Lake
Erie Ink want to provide students with the opportunity to write creatively in the classroom by
providing professional development for you and classroom workshops for your students. Our
team wants to help you plan, motivate, design, and assist students with writing across the
curriculum. All you have to do is ask!

Our team of professionals and volunteers will collaborate with you on writing projects that fulfill
and exceed state standards, meet the needs of teachers and students in academics,
development, and creativity. Projects may be thematically integrated or genre-based. In-school
collaborations can vary in duration and support throughout the writing process. Volunteers from
Lake Erie Ink will work as writing coaches to provide extra support during revision. In order to
encourage creativity and empower students, projects typically culminate in publication,
performance, or presentation.

To bring Lake Erie Ink to your school or organization, contact Program Director Charisse Bailey
at 216-320-4757 or [email protected]